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Becci Davis
This gallery includes work from my Broken Kiln shelf and Tile series.
These explorations use a temporal medium to create permanent objects.
Click on each thumbnail to see the entire image.
Broken Shelf series #1
kiln shelf, fired sand and glaze 12 in x 18 in x 3/4 in, 2005
Broken Shelf series #3
kiln shelf, fired sand and glaze 13 in x 20 in x 3/4 in, 2005
Broken Shelf series #4
kiln shelf, fired sand and glaze 10 in x 15 in x 3/4 in, 2005
Broken Shelf series #6
kiln shelf, fired sand and glaze 10 in x 18 in x 3/4 in, 2005
stoneware clay, fired sand and glaze 18 in x 36 in, 2006
stoneware clay, fired sand and glaze 16 in x 24 in, 2006
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